Static site generators (SSGs) are programs that allow you to quickly produce HTML pages with just one command. Their main aim, unlike a website builder, is to generate static HTML pages.
The majority of static site generators rely on open source code or CMS frameworks that you may freely update and change via a graphical user interface. You can also create fully unique websites. In many circumstances, SSGs can be used instead of WordPress.
Static site generators allow visitors to create a website quickly and easily without having to download anything to their computer. Static site generators merely create files on your computer and have no effect on the settings on your computer or the client devices.
What is it about static site generators that makes them so handy and effective?
The first thing to keep in mind is that static site generators aren’t cheap compared to website builders.
The second point to remember is that it doesn’t really matter which static website generator you use: there are a lot of them.
What are some of the benefits of using a static site generator?
A static site generator, as you may know, is a program that converts static HTML pages into dynamic websites. So, what are the benefits of static page generators?
Make sure your pages are appropriately designed.
You may get a dynamic website for free or inexpensive if you follow a few simple steps. You can get the design you’ve always wanted by using a site generator.
Some of them, for example, let you pick between Bootstrap and Responsive HTML, and the design is not only attractive but also functional on any device.
The standard of the content
You can incorporate any page on your website, including the text portion. Pictures, audio files, JavaScript, and CSS are not required for your site to function properly.
When you utilize a static site generator, you have complete control over the content. You can upload photos if you wish to. If you wish to change the colors later, you can certainly do so. You now have more time to create a high-quality website.
You can make your website stand out among the thousands of others. Now you have the option to try something new or different. The most significant benefit of using a static website generator is this.
Updating the content
Because of the programmatic approach, you may easily update your content or data when utilizing a static site generator to build your website. All webpages update themselves without the need for human interaction.
When compared to dynamic websites, static sites have a few advantages. Scalability, speed, and cost are among them. The first is predicated on the fact that when a person sees your page, it does not require a page reload. Your visitors will see your company’s information in the same way that any other user would. You may easily host your site on the cheapest website host if your site grows slowly, which it can.
Dynamic webpages, on the other hand, necessitate frequent page refreshes. The most significant issue with dynamic sites is that you must log in and create data for each individual user. Static site generators are the best option if your website does not have a large number of visitors. In this article, you will find the list of best static site generators.
Top Static Site Generators for 2021 LSIT
Gatsby :
Gatsby gives developers an open source frontend framework for building dynamic, optimized websites, as well as a cloud platform for delivering them over a superfast edge network.
Next.js :
Next.js provides the greatest development experience with all of the capabilities you’ll need for production, like hybrid static and server rendering, TypeScript support, smart bundling, route pre-fetching, and more.
There is no need to configure anything.
Publii :
Publii is a static site generator that allows you to construct, change, and manage an endless number of sites from the same app with rapid switching; no databases or other passwords to remember. There is no need for scripting or HTML.
Nuxt.js :
Nuxt.js is a Vue.js, Node.js, Webpack, and Babel.js-based free and open source web application framework. Nuxt is inspired by Next.js, a React.js-based framework with a similar goal. The framework is billed as a “universal application meta-framework.”
Scully :
Scully Signal Company, a fluid handling products manufacturer, is proud to introduce its new corporate video, which gives viewers an inside look at the company’s history and commitment to innovation, quality, and safety, all of which have been hallmarks of this industry leader’s dependability in the transport and transference of hazardous liquids for more than eight decades.
Netlify CMS :
Netlify CMS is a single-page React application. To support different Git platforms, create custom-styled previews, UI widgets, and editor plugins, or add backends.
VuePress :
When a page is loaded, VuePress generates pre-rendered static HTML and operates as an SPA. Copyright 2018-present Evan You, MIT Licensed
Zola :
Zola is a single application that includes Sass compilation, syntax highlighting, a table of contents, and a slew of other things that would normally necessitate setting up a development environment or incorporating JavaScript libraries into your site.
Sculpin :
Sculpin is a PHP-based static site generator. It turns Markdown files, Twig templates, and normal HTML into a deployable static HTML site.
Sapper :
Sapper is a web application framework with a beautiful development experience and configurable filesystem-based routing for web applications of all sizes. Sapper, unlike single-page apps, does not sacrifice SEO, progressive enhancement, or the initial load experience — yet unlike standard server-rendered apps, navigating is immediate for an app-like feel.