Looking around, we can see that Android is currently the most popular smartphone operating system. Android offers customers significantly more features and customization choices than any other smartphone operating system. If you’ve been using Android for a while, you’re probably familiar with USSD codes.
What are the USSD Codes?
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, or USSD, is often referred to as “secret codes” or “quick codes.”
These codes are essentially an extra-UI protocol that allows users to gain access to smartphone functionalities that are normally hidden.
The protocol was designed for GSM phones, however, it can now be found in newer gadgets as well.
These secret codes can be used to gain access to features or settings that were previously unavailable to the public.
List of all Working Best Best Hidden Android Secret Codes
USSD Codes to Check Phone Information
We’ve listed a few of the top USSD codes below to assist you verify your phone’s information.
The codes are listed below.
Displays RAM information
Displays the software version.
Displays the hardware version.
It Displays the phone’s IMEI number
Displays the RF band selection
Shows the Diagnostic configuration.
This opens the USB 12C mode control.
This shows the USB logging control.
This opens the RIL dump menu.
This opens the Debug dump menu.
Opens the System dump mode.
NAND flash serial number
This shows the GCF mode Status
Opens the Quick test menu
This performans a Real-time clock test.
This performs Light sensor test.
USSD Codes for specific phones
Opens the hidden service menu in Motorola DROID phones
Opens the LG Optimus 2x hidden service menu
Opens the LG Optimus 3D hidden service menu
Opens the service menu in Galaxy S3.
USSD Codes to grab Call information
We’ve included several Android secret codes below that can be used to check availability call minutes, bill information, call forwarding status, and other things.
Displays your Call forwarding
Displays additional call forwarding information
Displays Available minutes (AT&T)
Check your bill balance (AT&T)
Hides your phone from caller ID
Activates the Call Waiting feature
Enables voice dialing log mode.
Disables voice dialing log mode.
Execute from Emergency dial screen to unlock PUK code.
Opens the HSDPA/HSUPA control menu.
Displays the phone lock status.
Note:- If you have no idea what any of the Android secret codes listed below mean, it’s best to leave them alone.
Playing with secret codes that you don’t know can harm your phone. The secret codes were obtained from the internet. As a result, we are not accountable for any damage that may occur.
These codes have been tried and are operating well, although some of them may not work on certain Android phones. However, be cautious when utilizing them because we cannot be held liable for any data loss or damage.
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